Create a Lasting Legacy

Imagine Harnessing the Power of Media to Create a Paradigm Shift on a Global Scale

Multimedia platforms reach more than 4.5 billion people today. Not one effectively addresses the biggest problems that exist.

The Downward Cycle of Real World Challenges

Mental Health

970 million people globally struggle with mental illness or drug abuse. Suicide is 2nd leading cause of death for 15-29 year olds.


Domestic violence and Abuse (DVA) are global health and societal issues. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men will experience it in their lifetime. 

Social Inequality

Creating laws outlawing discrimination has done little to change prejudiced behaviors. Includes income gap, gender inequality, and health care.

2 Decades of Field Research

SOS Method

In recent years a groundbreaking technology, SOS Method, has emerged, harnessing the scientific research of epigenetics and subtle energy; clearing trauma and promoting overall wellbeing.

For over 2 decades Marlise Karlin‘s team was immersed in the ‘Jane Goodall’ approach to gathering qualitative data from people of all cultures and ages, across 6 continents.

Groundbreaking Discoveries

Genetic Promise

Karlin’s research revealed that all humans have a ‘Genetic Promise’, a dormant Potential that seeks to release recent and generational trauma blockage, advance consciousness and wellbeing.

Renowned holistic traditions aim to harmonize the body using pressure points. SOSmethod activates dormant Potential with a proprietary technology without a practitioner.

2 Decades of
Field Research

SOS Method

In recent years a groundbreaking technology, SOS Method, has emerged, harnessing the scientific research of epigenetics and subtle energy; clearing trauma and promoting overall wellbeing.

For over 2 decades Marlise Karlin‘s team was immersed in the ‘Jane Goodall’ approach to gathering qualitative data from people of all cultures and ages, across 6 continents.


Genetic Promise

Karlin’s research revealed that all humans have a ‘Genetic Promise’, a dormant Potential that seeks to release recent and generational trauma blockage, advance consciousness and wellbeing.

Renowned holistic traditions aim to harmonize the body using pressure points. SOSmethod activates dormant Potential with a proprietary technology without a practitioner.


Stories Of Triumph Over Trauma

Two decades of global research revealed unprecedented behavior change, echoing Jane Goodall’s work, sparked by our groundbreaking technology, blending holistic traditions and frontier science.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling

A Brighter Future:

Overcome Grief to School Success

Middle aged bald man wearing gray shirt and smiling

Refugee Support:

Recovery from Trauma & Insomnia

Middle aged man in beige hat and glasses

Aid for Veterans:

Transforms Years of PTSD to Hope

Marlise Karlin laughing with diverse group of students

A Guiding Light:

Break Free from Social Pressure

Group of individuals in Rwanda sitting together

A Cultural Shift:

Hate to Harmony in Rwanda

SOS harnesses the body’s inherent capacity for adaptation, enabling it to release blockages and express itself more harmoniously.


In recent years, a groundbreaking technology has emerged; SOS Method harnesses the scientific research of epigenetics and subtle energy to activate dormant Potential, clear trauma, and transform mind, body, and spirit.


Epigenetic science explains how traumatic events can have lifelong impact that passes to future generations.

SOS Special Formula

The SOS proprietary formula blends subtle energy, language patterns, and intention science, to prompt a symphony of cellular shifts.

The power of this technology to catalyze such rapid and profound behavioral transformations in countless thousands of individuals’ lives is what truly set Marlise’s research apart.

Freeing people of Genetic Pain, their generational trauma, will ignite the innovative leaders and communities that shape our world…

– Marlise Karlin


Similar to Dr. Ali Rezai’s breakthrough with ultrasound waves for anxiety and addiction*, IKI Technology energetically stimulates cellular transformation – and stands out for it’s global scalability. [*Featured in ’60 Minutes’]


Media and devices powered by Inner Knowing Technology entertains, activates, and empowers life-long mental health & wellness support.


Similar to meridian holistic techniques, as stress blockage is released, neural networks rewire to break negative behavior patterns and build positive habits.


Easing stress, cravings, and depression, gaining a fresh perspective, develops resourceful behavior for a fulfilling life.

Imagine Activating Human Potential & Wellbeing on a Global Scale With Transformative Experiences

Let’s Collaborate on Multimedia that Changes Lives

It’s Not Just About Telling Stories; It’s About Rewriting Destinies.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


A specific IKI Section with only Animated Shorts/Series with SOSmethod technology.  Families build stronger bonds, peace of mind and self-confidence in child’s ability to navigate life’s difficulties.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


Develop learning capabilities activated by child or teen’s dormant Potential. Personalized social, emotional and intuitive cognitive skills training increases motivation and enjoyment.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


Mixed reality educates and develops healthy, inspired leaders. Integrate with existing or create innovative [mythological Hero’s Journeys] stories/series that activate transformation.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


Traveling immersive exhibits, where people see the world through a different lens, activate positive change; greater empathy, resilience, and adaptability.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


Exploring new worlds that develop higher consciousness and creativity by activating Mirror Neurons [brain cells] that respond equally when you witness someone perform an action or you do.

Young girl with dark hair, black top and red lipstick smiling


Provide an experience that sparks all your senses, a ‘reality’ where your activated SuperPowers realize the ability to build a blueprint for future dreams. Take home App continues process.

About Marlise Karlin

Generational Trauma Expert. Mental Health Activist. Author. Pioneering Researcher. Founder SOSmethod & NEXTjourney.

Before becoming a successful entrepreneur, Marlise produced an Independent Spirit Award-winning film in Hollywood, and served as National Director for Break the Cycle.

As a teen, Marlise Karlin braved the unknown to escape oppression from an alcoholic, abusive father, which ultimately developed stress-related chronic illness and substance abuse to ease the pain.

Unwilling to allow the tragedy of an abusive father to dominate and direct her life, sparked a passion in Marlise that took her around the globe studying alongside meditation masters in India, holistic experts from Japan, and Western scientists.

In early 2000, while doing research on the ‘Special Formula Technology’ she developed, like Jane Goodall, she began observing never-before-seen behavior in various ages and cultures.

These uncommon discoveries compelled a National Geographic photographer to join her, traveling across 4 continents, to capture more of these uncommon discoveries on film.

Each transformative experience witnessed broke new…


Endorsed By Doctors, Scientists, And Everyday People Looking To Make A Change
“When I discovered that people of all cultures and ages could develop an inspired mind, emotional balance, and physical wellbeing – in less time than we ever thought possible, I realized I had to find a way to share it.”

~ Marlise Karlin

Just Imagine the Powerful Impact We Can Make

The future begins… now.

Each transformative experience witnessed broke new ground – some within only 1 or 2 sessions, others in just months, simply practicing the SOS Method Technology inspired by holistic traditions and frontier science.

A woman gained self-worth to leave an abusive husband, a child got the courage to fight off bullies for classmates, a man with clinical depression for 3 years, felt happiness and new strength to regain his life.

These stories of profound personal growth and resilience were not isolated incidents but rather the direct result of this proprietary technology in action.

Similar to renowned holistic disciplines that enable the body to release blockages and express itself more harmoniously, the SOS proprietary formula harnesses the body’s inherent capacity for adaptation.

The power of this technology to catalyze such rapid and profound behavioral transformations in individuals’ lives is what truly set Marlise’s research apart.